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It took a couple more days than we wanted, but the book is done!

We sent it to the printer and the printed books are still on schedule to ship in late September!

However, the online version requires no tedious waiting for printing and shipping.  It’s already here so please download a shiny new copy here.

The new version has:

  • 44 more pages — up from 132pp to 176pp
  • 20 new recipes, plus a page explaining how to cook dried beans
  • corrections and improvements to dozens of existing recipes
  • replacement photographs and improved design for some of the uglier recipes
  • one fewer of the old recipes (Leftover Polenta Fries didn’t fit in the final book)
  • thank-you credits for everyone who submitted their info before tonight

You guys, finishing a book in a month is really hard. Now I understand why publishers ask for everything so far in advance of release. So many small things to do.

And now comes the even harder part: going through the list of non-profits and divvying up all the donated copies and working with everyone to get the $4 copies out. If you work with a non-profit that applied for copies, I’ll write to you soon to finalize your order.

Oh, also shipping. Where do you guys think I will fit 8,000 envelopes for all the individual copies in our apartment? How much does 8,000 padded envelopes even weigh, let alone the books? So many questions.

As soon as we know where all the donated copies are going, I’ll share a list of the organizations with y’all.
