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Today is a big day: The bigger, better, cheaper 2nd edition of Good and Cheap is now in bookstores throughout the US, Canada, and the UK!

It’s 32 pages longer than the 1st edition, with more than 20 new recipes. Best of all, for every book you buy, we donate another copy to someone in need. (And yes, the 1st edition is still available as a free PDF.)

Visit your local bookstore to snag a copy, or order it from any of these shops online:

If you’re thinking about buying a copy, sooner is better — first week sales are so important. (And thank you!)

Also, non-profits can still get mega-discounts on bulk orders — just over $5/copy, including shipping within the US.

Tell your friends! (please)

I’d LOVE if you could help spread the word, in person and on social media! Here are a couple sample posts:


Check out Good and Cheap: A Healthy Cookbook for Food Stamp Budgets. #GoodAndCheap is a gorgeous collection of inexpensive recipes. For every book sold, one is donated to someone in need. And the PDF is free at www.leannebrown.com


#GoodAndCheap is a gorgeous low-income cookbook from @leelb. For every book sold, one is donated to someone in need.


Another way you could help is by writing a review for Good and Cheap on Amazon (if you don’t mind, please and thank you).

Tremendous impact

We — that is, you — have already given away more than 10,000 free copies of Good and Cheap (!!!), along with another 30,000 heavily discounted copies sold to more than 650 non-profits. If you haven’t seen the map on the Impact page of my website, check it out below!


Other awesome news

This summer, I’ll be on tour — I’d love to meet you! Please check out my Events page to see if I’ll be somewhere near you.

A few other very exciting occurrences:

I’m having a great time with all of this. Thank you so much for your support.