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Today I am launching a Kickstarter to fund a print run of Good and Cheap, my free PDF cookbook for people on Food Stamps. Please take a few moments to check it out and share it with your friends.

Just over a month ago, April 29th, a lovely person posted a link to Good and Cheap on Reddit. Soon it was on Tumblr, Hacker News and many other places besides. It was downloaded so many times that it temporarily broke the site twice.

I was so encouraged and touched by the supportive comments from strangers. It was tremendously heartening to have so many people understanding, appreciating and even advocating for my project.

Ultimately Good and Cheap was a guess. It was a well informed guess, but it was a guess. I thought that an appealing, tasty, practical, healthy set of recipes was genuinely needed. I thought that maybe it could make a difference for some. It seems like it has.

Making Good and Cheap free online was a great first step, but to really reach people I realized that we need make physical copies. This book needs to be put directly into the hands of people who need it.

I believe that cooking can change lives and I want to prove it. If you can, please support the project or share it with someone else. This is going to be fun!