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Cover of Good Enough

It’s been a while, but I’m back with a new book, Good Enough, available January 4, 2022: A self-care cookbook that offers personal and vulnerable storytelling, delicious recipes, and encouraging advice to teach you how to accept yourself, love yourself, and find peace through the act of cooking.

I’m going to be very real with you: after the unexpected success of Good and Cheap, I felt lost and purposeless, unworthy and uncertain. Then I got sick while I was pregnant with my daughter and fell into the life-changing experience of new parenthood. For a long time I didn’t feel like myself. I had changed, grown and learned. I knew I had so much to share, but I didn’t know how and was afraid to make a mistake. 

That soul-searching was the groundwork for Good Enough. I had been living for the approval of others for a long time, and I could see that reflected in how I cooked and fed myself. I needed to do something differently because I also knew, deep down in the wisest part of me, that cooking is freedom and joy and healing. Good Enough is my way back to you, but most importantly to myself. It is how I learned that cooking can be both an act of self-care and an expression of love for yourself and others.

Here is a short story from the book:

A page from Good Enough telling the story of Leanne's childhood dream to invent magical pink carrots.

Good Enough imparts my cooking philosophy through personal and vulnerable storytelling. Perfection isn’t the goal of cooking. For me—and many other cooks—cooking is a safe space where I can make mistakes, learn, grow, and become more resilient.

The Good Enough philosophy has helped me get through the last couple of years of the COVID-19 pandemic and the everyday struggles of being a person. It has even helped me find my courage to write and publish this book. I hope that Good Enough can be a lantern for you in dark times. It was for me. I’ll share this quote from the introduction:

“My intention is for this book to be a gentle hug and a whisper in your ear that you are stronger than you know, and you deserve love and care, wherever you are, whoever you are, and no matter what anyone else might have told you.”

Here is a recipe spread:

A recipe spread from Good Enough, showing My Spicy Umami Pasta.

It means so much to be able to share this book and enter into conversation with you again. I wish I could put this book in each of your hands with a gentle hug, but instead I have to ask something from you. If you feel moved, please ask your local bookstore to order it or pre-order at Amazon,, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, or Powell’s. Pre-orders make a big differencefor getting the book into stores, on best-seller lists, and in front of people who otherwise might not see it.

Thank you for considering — I am so grateful for your support and to be in a position to ask.

Free ways to support the project:

  • Tell your friends
  • Follow me @leanneebrown on Instagram, where I will be posting regularly
  • Ask your local bookstore to order the book

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading, for being here for me, and for your patience. 



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